The Average Cost of IT Support for Small Business

Determining the average cost of IT support services is crucial for small business owners who must budget effectively while ensuring their technological needs are met. The landscape of IT support pricing varies significantly depending on several factors, including the service model, the extent of services required, and the payment structure. 

“In the digital age, the absence of robust IT support isn’t just an inconvenience; it’s a major business vulnerability,” ~John Hougen, Vice President and General Manager of CITOC.

It’s also worth noting that there is an opportunity cost to not having IT support. For instance, each minute of downtime costs small businesses on average over $400 per minute. Small businesses, which are the number one target of cyber criminals, are also likely to shutter following a successful cybersecurity breach.

The value that IT support can deliver, in other words, can be immense. This guide aims to shed light on the average IT support cost for small businesses, highlighting key considerations to help you make informed decisions, so you can get the most out of your technology investment.

Understanding IT Support Service Models

Managed Services vs. Staff Augmentation

The choice between managed services and staff augmentation significantly impacts IT support costs

Managed services offer a comprehensive package, providing proactive IT management and support for a fixed monthly fee. This model is ideal for small businesses looking for predictable costs and minimal involvement in IT management tasks.

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On the other hand, staff augmentation involves hiring external IT professionals to temporarily work alongside your in-house team. This option offers flexibility and control over IT projects but might result in variable costs depending on the extent and duration of services required.

Fixed Price vs. Break-Fix Model

Another crucial distinction in IT support pricing is between fixed-price contracts and break-fix models (pay-per-ticket or pay-per-hour services). Fixed-price agreements typically cover a defined set of services for a monthly fee, offering budget predictability. Conversely, the break-fix model charges businesses based on the actual support activities performed, which can vary from month to month.

The Average Cost of IT Support for Small Business

While the cost of IT support services can vary widely, understanding the average pricing structures can help small business owners plan their budgets more effectively.

Average Cost for IT Support Per Hour

The hourly rate for IT support services can range significantly, depending on factors such as geographical location, expertise level, and service complexity. Generally, small businesses expect to pay between $125 and $150 per hour for IT support services.

IT Support Contract Prices

For small businesses preferring managed IT services, monthly it support contract pricing typically ranges from $2,000 on up per month based on user or equipment count. These contracts often include a suite of services such as 24/7 monitoring, cybersecurity protection, data backup and recovery, and user support.

Small Business IT Support Pricing: Key Considerations

When evaluating IT support pricing options, small businesses should consider their specific needs, including:

  • Scope of Services: Comprehensive IT management vs. specific support tasks.
  • Expertise Level: The complexity of your IT infrastructure may require higher-skilled (and more expensive) professionals.
  • Response Time Requirements: Businesses needing immediate support may pay a premium for guaranteed fast response times.
  • Security and Compliance Needs: Industries with stringent data protection regulations might incur higher costs due to advanced security and compliance services.

Getting the Highest ROI With Managed Services

Managed services provide small businesses with an unparalleled opportunity to maximize the return on investment (ROI) from their technology infrastructure. 

Unlike traditional break-fix models or piecemeal IT support, managed IT services offer a comprehensive approach to technology management, ensuring businesses can leverage the full potential of their IT investments. 

By offering proactive monitoring, strategic planning, and all-inclusive support, managed services minimizes downtime, protects against cybersecurity threats and optimizes IT operations to support business growth and innovation. This holistic approach ensures that technology serves as a catalyst for business success, rather than a source of constant challenges and unexpected expenses.

AspectManaged ServicesStaff Augmentation
Service OfferingComprehensive IT support, including monitoring, cybersecurity, data backup, and user support.Temporary or project-based IT expertise to augment the existing in-house team.
PriceFixed monthly fee providing predictable costs and budgeting ease.Variable, based on the duration of service and level of expertise required, leading to potential cost variability.
ExpertiseAccess to a broad range of IT professionals and skills, covering various aspects of IT infrastructure.Highly specialized skills tailored to specific project needs, which can complement in-house capabilities.
FlexibilityMedium, with a predefined scope of services but can cover a wide range due to the comprehensive nature of offerings.High, as services can be adjusted based on project scope and duration, offering significant adaptability to changing needs.
Cost of IT Support for Small Business

CITOC – A Leader in Managed IT Services

CITOC stands at the forefront of managed IT services, offering elite solutions that drive business growth and operational efficiency. 

As a leading Managed Service Provider (MSP), CITOC’s expertise in transforming technology from a cost center into a strategic business asset is unmatched. Focusing on proactive solutions, strategic IT planning, and exceptional customer service, CITOC ensures that small businesses can achieve their objectives and get the best possible ROI from their technology investments. 

Trusted Remote IT Support Services Near You

Trust in CITOC to navigate the complexities of the IT landscape and unlock the full potential of your technology infrastructure. We invite you to contact us for a free consultation so we can begin helping you get the most out of your technology investments.